Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Just a Thought...

"Books Without Pictures"

Last year I had started what I thought would be my blog; the "one that would blow the audiences away". I had watched and read too many stories about those who had made their big break through the creation of an online publishing profile. That could be me, I thought. Yet, the curse of procrastination kicked in, I published two blogs, and promptly forgot about taking it up again for about a year. The fact was, was that I had no original thought to provide. No idea to set my profile apart. Yet, inspiration does occasionally arise, and with it, I found my answer. Thus, we will embark upon an illustrative journey into books without pictures. 
As is well known, there is a multitude of books of wonderful stories and descriptions without any pictures within their covers to match the words. The author may prefer it this way, wishing instead for the reader to use his imagination and decide what the scene looks like to him. If you are one who prefers your mind to decide the scene, then do not proceed to follow this blog or let me ruin your preconceived vision (as so many movies have done in the past). As I read throughout various books without pictures, I will sketch out specific scenes and post them with quotes and the origin. If there is a specific book you would like me to read and illustrate, or a specific scene, just let me know and I will be delighted to oblige. 
I hope this will prove to be as grand as I imagine it, and that procrastination will keep it's distance.
Farewell to the next and first book without pictures.  


  1. Okay, have you read Mara Daughter of the Nile? because any scene from there would thrill be to no end!!! =D

    1. no I have not, but I will be sure to add that to my next project:)
